penalty of piety MEC FJU

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The Penalty of Piety:
The Benedictine Beginning of Fu Jen Catholic University in Peking
Multimedia Presentation 多媒體首播
Dec 28, 2005, 12:30—14:0
Science Library Theater/ My English Corner
理圖劇場/ 英語角

Press Announcement
The Penalty of Piety: The Benedictine Beginning of Fu Jen Catholic University in Peking is a 40-minute radio docudrama to be presented on December 28th in the College Theater on the FJU campus. This radio drama premier plus a new series of radio broadcast interviews called “Bridging Cultures, Building Communities” are two of the English Excellence projects accomplished by Fu Jen Catholic University for the Ministry of Education this fall under the direction of professors Llyn Scott and Albert Tang.

The radio docudrama by Scott highlights the unique founding of the Catholic University of Peking initiated by two Chinese scholars, Ying Lien-chih, and Ma Xiangbo, and established by the American Benedictines from St. Vincent Archabbey in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. The events that happened in the capital from1923, to the beginning of 1925, provide the background for this historical dramatization of the only pontifical university in China. The Penalty of Piety was recorded at Radio Taiwan International in Taipei with a cast of voice actors selected from FJU students and teachers, Taipei American School students, and English language professionals from Taipei.

  《天道磨殷:本篤會北平天主教輔仁大學創校源起》是一部長達四十分鐘的歷史廣播劇。此劇將於十二月二十八號在輔仁大學理圖劇場進行首次發表。這次首播的廣播史劇以及全新系列的廣播專訪「銜接文化,建立社群」(Bridging Cultures, Building Communities),都是輔仁大學配合教育部本年度教學卓越計畫所完成的兩項作品。而促成此二作品的幕後推手,則為本校教師施琳達和唐維敏老師。
December 28, 2005, 12:30 to 2:00
Press Conference Agenda

12:30 - 12:35 Greetings
12:35 - 12:40 Introductions

12:40 - 12:50 Penalty of Piety (10-minute dramatic exerpt)

12:50 - 1:05 Q & A

1:05 - 1:10 Introductions
Voice of Fu Jen Radio, Bridging Cultures, Building Communities

1:10 - 1:15 Bridging Cultures, Building Communities (5-minute excerpt)

1:15 – 2:00 *Reception Break for those who have to leave early; Penalty of Piety CD and VCD presentation for those who would like to hear/see the entire production.

1:15 - 2:00 Penalty of Piety with VCD and CD presentations

2:00 p.m. Closing and Reception for remain

12:30-12:35 致詞
12:35-12:40 介紹

12:40-12:50 《天道磨殷》

12:50-1:05 問答討論

1:05-1:10 介紹輔大之聲廣播專訪

1:10-1:15 《銜接文化,建立社群》

1:15-2:00 茶敘


2:00 記者會結束 茶敘


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